Dueling Storms Headed for Panhandle

For the first time since 1933, two tropical systems could make landfall in the Gulf of Mexico at virtually the same time. Right now, the threat does not seem hugely ominous. One system is Tropical Storm Laura and the other is Tropical Depression Fourteen, so no hurricanes yet. Both storms will pass over land masses that could weaken their strength. There is an outside chance of them creating a Fujiwhara effect, where two storms basically feed into one greater storm.

The two storms are predicted to hit landfall approximately Tuesday or early Wednesday. Tropical Storm Laura is modeled to land near Pensacola while Tropical Depression Fourteen is headed for the Corpus Christi/Houston, Texas area. Both storms will have winds in the 70’s with heavy rain when they reach landfall.

This is a fluid situation as with all weather predictions. We will keep you posted.